Return to Wonderland
Larry & Joe-Joe
Lead Artist – La’Tevin Alexander Ellis
Walla Walla
Lead Artist – Hayley Durelle
Return to Kingsley: A Retrospective
Lead Artist – Kamryn Fall
Petals and Thorns: A Spoken Word Journey
Lead Artist – LaToya Hampton aka The Poet Lady Rose
Producing Director
Charles Grant
In Person: September 3rd – 10th, 2022
On Line: September 7th – 25th, 2022.
Join us as we Return to Wonderland – a multidisciplinary film festival that responds to the current moment in our country, and our world.
In Wonderland, four Lead Artists will open the door for us to imagine ways to listen, learn, and move forward; with a sense of curiosity and wonder.
We know that it truly takes a village to make a piece of art, and none of us can do it alone. This year four Lead Artists will call upon their communities to find collaborators to help them tell their stories.
So, without further ado, let's discover the film shorts, and the Artists who will make them.

Return to Wonderland - Projects
Larry & Joe-Joe
Lead Artist – La’Tevin Alexander Ellis
Larry & Joe-Joe is a coming of age series about two young men who become Kingpins of a major crime syndicate and increasingly become the antithesis for police brutality and the violence of white supremacy on black people. This scene is an excerpt from the larger series. It's about a grieving father desperate for revenge for the brutal and racially charged murder of his son by three white guys and a white woman. To get his revenge, he begs Larry & Joe-Joe to retaliate for him but Larry & Joe-Joe are hesitant to incite a race war.
Walla Walla
Lead Artist – Hayley Durelle
On a road trip that's equal parts adventure and chore, two resourceful young adults drive 400 miles from their town in rural Idaho in pursuit of an abortion out of state. Low on cash and fueled by friendship, they make the long trek up I-84 in a beloved but flakey 25 year old car.
Return to Kingsley: A Retrospective
Lead Artist – Kamryn Fall
Part music video and part conversation, Return to Kingsley: A Retrospective is a window into the collaboration between indie pop artist Kingsley and Kryptic Films’ creative journey together as well as their ability to bring joy and life into topics of their reality. Kingsley’s presence is captivating and overwhelming, she sings from her personal experiences of life, love, and her journey of becoming Kingsley. Kryptic Films is a collective of BIPOC artists working to create safe and joyful spaces to tell our stories. Together, this duo is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before.
Petals and Thorns: A Spoken Word Journey
Lead Artist – LaToya Hampton aka The Poet Lady Rose
In 2020, when the COVID pandemic disrupted our world and redefined what “normal” was for many, even mentally and physically “healthy” well-equipped and well-resourced adults found themselves struggling with and adapting to the rapid, drastic change and often multiple losses. But what about the youth? How were they really impacted? You might think you know, but do you? Petals and Thorns: A Spoken Word Journey will document a group of youth and their involvement in a writing and spoken workshop designed to develop, center and elevate youth voicing of their experience in the COVID world and beyond. Participants will share their works in a spoken word performance open to the community.
Thank you to our Funders

Interested in Getting Involved?
We are always looking for volunteers as well as apprentices, crew members and corporate partnerships.