Celebration of Love, Life & Mourning

Pardon us if we are a little emotional today.

We are still feeling so much love and appreciation for everyone who joined us for our annual Season Premiere Party on Sunday evening. Thank you to those of you who showed up to talk, dine, and experience scenes from the upcoming season with us. Along with our season sponsors' support, we raised $100,140 to keep our work fresh, our education programs flourishing, and our productions accessible to everyone who wants to awaken to the wonder of theatre.

We are also mourning the loss of Michael Friedman , composer, lyricists and co-creator of Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson which you may have seen with us a few years ago. As anyone who has the power to move hundreds of hearts at a time with either a whisper or a snarl, his death was too soon. We are grateful for his work and the privilege we had of producing it.

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